Sunday on KPCC
The Radio program: Speaking of Faith, with Krista Tippett.
I hesitate to share something non-art related, but thought you might be interested to know that I will be a part of the radio program,
Speaking of Faith. The topic was Catholicism, and a few weeks ago listeners were invited to go to the website and share their memories, thoughts, hopes and beliefs regarding todays Catholic Church. I did that, and was contacted by Rob McGinley Meyers of American Public Radio. He asked if I would participate in a short interview and read my submission, so that it could be recorded for possible use on air. I was interviewed by Trent Gillis, a very kind and patient man, and to my honor, my submission was selected, and I will be one of nine contributers that will be featured on Sundays
on air program.
If you follow this link, you can listen live, and get a fuller understanding of the theme and contributers.
(Speaking of Faith-Catholicism)I.